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Writer's pictureDr. Hope Eady

2019—Focus Forward

Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?" says the Lord. "Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?" says your God. "Rejoice with Jerusalem and be glad for her, all you who love her; rejoice greatly with her, all you who mourn over her. -- Isaiah 66:9-14 NIV

As we have entered 2019, what are you expecting or anticipating? Some of us entered 2019 like eager runners, who excitedly crossed the finish line of 2018 and are excited, expecting God to do even greater things in 2019. Others of us literally drug our war weary bodies over the finish line by His Grace, with the determination that 2019 would have to better than 2018 because it couldn’t be much worse. Whatever your spiritual, mental, physical, or emotional state was as you entered into the new year, what are you going to do with it now that you are here?

Will we grieve the losses of the past or will we align ourselves with who and what God is doing now? To effectively run the race ahead of us, we cannot be focused on what is behind. Yes, learn the lessons from the past, so we don’t repeat them, but then we must focus forward for what lies ahead. What does God desire from you in 2019 and what has He promised to accomplish for you?

However challenging or exciting 2018 may have been, you are still here. So, God is not finished. He still has much in store for you. We have to build up our faith to believe Him for more. And if we are asking God for blessings, for supernatural intervention, then should we not move in faith in expectation of His response. We must prepare ourselves to shift—naturally, spiritually, financially, and even emotionally. I am not talking about being so consumed with living for tomorrow that you forget to enjoy the today He blessed you with. But I am talking about preparing to go to the next level even while you are enjoying the benefits of where you are right now.

We can enjoy preparing for our next state even as we are enjoying our present one. Even as we are believing God for a mate or for prosperity or for deliverance, true faith moves us to the action of preparing for those things.

This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the Lord's Passover. -- Exodus 12:11 NIV

As God takes us places that we’ve never been and gives us experiences that we’ve never had, we must prepare ourselves for the new and not be caught up in business as usual. We must stay in a state of readiness—ready to move with Him; ready for favor; ready for divine encounters. We don’t want to miss our season of visitation because we have become comfortable with the old season. We must first allow the Word of God (the logos, rhema and dabar) to transform our minds to expect and prepare a new move of God.

Each of us must decide if we are going to be who God says we are and accomplish what God created us to do or are we going to be who people and circumstances try to determine we are. This is the time, the strategic time, the kairos time to move into your new territory, your new level of authority, your new manifestations of the will and promises of God in your life. God gives us the strength to take one step forward, the potential to climb one more rung in the ladder. Focus forward with Him!

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