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Writer's pictureDr. Hope Eady

Embracing Change

Isaiah 60: 1 - 2 ESV

1 Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. 2 For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will be seen upon you.

The Hebrew word translated as arise in this passage is quwm (pronounced koom). It has several meanings including “to arise, become powerful; to arise, come on the scene; to be established, be confirmed.

As in the days of Isaiah, the Lord is calling us up higher – a higher spiritual realm; a greater spiritual authority; an increased accountability, influence and impact. God is doing the calling, but we have to respond and be willing to both shift and change.

It is time to transition. Transition is defined as movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change. We often pray for transition or change. We ask God to change our circumstances or situations. We cry out for new jobs, new homes, etc. Singles pray to be married. The poor pray to be rich. The rich pray to be richer. The unhappy pray for happiness. The discouraged ask for encouragement. We often ask God for change, but do we move and prepare to receive those things for which we are asking. We must prepare ourselves to shift—naturally, spiritually, financially, and even emotionally.

During times of transition, God is uniquely shaping and equipping us for the next phase of life or ministry. There is a period during childbirth that is called transition. It is characterized by strong contractions and is usually the most intense part of labor for many women. The major emotional marker for this stage is giving up. It is in this part of labor that most women ask for medication. Many of us are in transition—we are uncomfortable where we are, but we don’t feel we have the strength to continue forward. Transition is the point where we feel the most like giving up, but we are the closest to complete deliverance.

We have to choose to not give up but to press into the Lord for strength. Don’t medicate yourself with distractions and compromise. Instead, allow the Word of God to help you endure and focus forward. The battle feels intense, but you are not fighting it alone. The Lord is with you and is transforming you in the midst of the warfare.

Now, is the time to get ready! Get ready spiritually, get ready physically, get ready mentally, get ready financially. Prepare yourself to receive. Get in the posture to advance. Remove distractions and weights. Assassinate anything that has been sent by the enemy to disrupt your purpose and destiny. Forgive anyone you need to forgive. Release anyone you need to release. Cut off any distractions.

Don’t get caught up in the noise around you but allow the Lord to reveal and focus you on His plans for you. Use this time to prepare for what the Lord is about to do and where He’s taking you. Get ready to ARISE!

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