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Writer's pictureDr. Hope Eady

Out in the Deep

When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch. – Luke 5:4 Berean Study Bible

A few months ago, I was asked what advice I would give a young person about the Lord. Holy Spirit’s immediate response was “be willing to go wherever God leads!” I have found myself periodically pondering that response—go wherever He leads. So often we formulate our own plans. When I was younger I had it all worked out—what I would have accomplished by 30, by 40, and even by 50. However, the eager, ambitious plans of our youth don’t usually take into consideration the bumps, bruises, detours, distractions, and failures that are all a part of life’s journey. But I believe the true lesson in moments of triumph and tragedy has been to go with God—wherever He leads.

Note I didn’t say, “Invite God to go with you” but rather be willing to release your plans and embrace His purpose. We often try to make our plans and then invite God along for the ride and ask Him to bless our efforts. As humans, we tend to not want to follow His lead because He seldom leads us where we think we should go. He leads us to mountaintop experiences like seeing a burning bush like Moses and then leads us to confront the most powerful man in the world to rebuke him. God leads us into lion’s dens like Daniel for refusing to stop praying or to fiery furnaces like the three Hebrew boys for refusing to bow to idols. God leads us to crucifixion experiences like Jesus that He can resurrect us to victory over sin.

In this passage, what Jesus instructs defies natural logic. Peter, an experienced fisherman, was being given a command that was totally at odds with his professional experience. Typically, during the night, there was a much greater chance of a good catch. If one didn’t catch anything during the night, the chances of a good catch during the day was even smaller. In addition, I’m sure Peter was both tired and frustrated after a night of work with no results. But he obeyed at Jesus’ word (Luke 5:5).

Where God leads is seldom comfortable, almost never convenient, and always costly. Following divine purpose may cost you friends and relationships. It may require financial sacrifice. It will require extravagant love for Him and extreme submission to Him. It means surrendering our will, our plans, our timing and even our fears. Launching out into the deep with God does not mean being reckless or rebellious. It actually means being obedient and faithful.

God doesn’t lead us into the deep to watch us suffer or squirm—rather it is in those deep places of uncertainty that faith is forged, character is built, and flesh is made to submit. Many of us have been in deep places this year—places of economic uncertainty, racial and civil injustice, political turmoil, and familial and job pressures from the pandemic. In the midst of all of it, God has provided and sustained. He has been walking us through it. He’s with us when we are where He has led whether it is a pit or a palace. Clinging to the shores of safety and familiarity may seem safe but not if God’s not there. I would rather be out in the deep with Jesus receiving a blessing so big that it had to be shared than sitting peacefully on the shoreline in quiet disobedience and rebellion.

What is God calling you to do that is outside of your comfort zone, but inside His will? Get God instructions and godly counsel and then obey and put out into deep water with Jesus. He has great things planned for the journey!

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