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Writer's pictureDr. Hope Eady

The Pursuit of Purpose

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. – Ephesians 2:10 NIV

Purpose is defined as “the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.” We were created by God for a purpose and not just mere existence or survival. Often the attacks and onslaughts of the enemy are designed to distract us from our God-ordained purpose. If the enemy can reduce us to a state of merely fighting for survival or trying to exist from day to day, then we cease to look, act, respond, or plan from a Kingdom-purpose perspective.

The Lord told me once that if He allowed it, I would try to flit through life, disturbing no one and leaving no marks; BUT He said, He called me to leave a big footprint in the earth and to have a great impact for Him. I believe, this goes for everyone of us. God desires to use us to make an impact upon the earth for Him. For some, that impact will be through their families and communities; for others it may be in the marketplace; and still for others it may be on the mission field in a country far away or in an inner-city nearby. Whatever, the God-assignment, that fact remains that you do have an ASSIGNMENT.

There was something that the Lord wanted accomplished in the earth and He uniquely crafted and made you to complete it. He allowed you to have some hardships to build in compassion; He allowed some battles to make you a skilled warrior; He allowed some disappointments to build tenacity in you. And, He allowed some weaknesses and flaws to keep you ever dependent upon Him and His Grace.

Whatever age or stage you find yourself in, your work is not done. We should be constantly pursuing the completion of our purpose. This is why Jesus said,

“… Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” -- Luke 2:49 NKJV

Jesus set the example. He enjoyed life and had healthy relationships, but He never lost sight of His purpose. Jesus knew His assignment and everything He did was in pursuit of completing it.

For many of us the enemy comes in the form of distractions and the busyness of life, not in a red suit, with a pointed tail. If satan, can keep us focused on the wrong things like people pleasing, jockeying for positions, running from one thing to another, or seeking titles and positions, he is already defeating or at least delaying us, because then we are not focused on our purpose.

Some may ask, “How do I find out my purpose?” Or others may feel that they have drifted so far off course that they don’t know how to find their way back to it. The answer comes only from the one who created you. We have to get in God’s presence (in prayer, worship, and fasting) and ask Him to reveal to each of us His purpose and His plans for our life and even in some cases the road back to what He previously revealed.

And once we know it, we have to pursue it with diligence, tenacity and passion. Will it be easy? No, many times it will be the most difficult thing you do. Will everyone support you? No, unfortunately, there will be times when you feel all alone walking in it—just like Jesus did. Will it require sacrifice? Yes, it will probably require your all – including dying to self on a daily basis. Will it be worth it? Absolutely! He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). It is in the pursuit of your purpose that you will find your greatest joy, peace, prosperity, and sense of fulfillment—when you are doing what you were created to do!

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