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Writer's pictureDr. Hope Eady


Updated: May 11, 2021

We often cry out for transitions. We ask for promotions, advancements, and new opportunities. We desire to be married or to have a bigger house, a larger car, or a higher paying position. But all of these things while beneficial, do still require change. They require us to operate differently, think differently, or even be different. And many times, that experience or manifestation of change is a process.

The children of Israel cried out for many years to be delivered from the oppression of their Egyptian masters. Under Joseph’s ministry that had experienced favor and increase. They had grown and expanded to the point that when a pharaoh came along that did not know Joseph, he saw the Israelites as a threat and enslaved and oppressed them.

Generations later, the sons and daughters of slaves reached the timing of their divine deliverance. They were being released from slavery, but even that required a transition. They now had to shift from being a poor and oppressed people to a kingdom conquering nation of followers of Jehovah. This was not an easy task. The Lord divinely brought them out of Egypt, but now the Lord had to work Egypt (or rather that slave mindset) out of them.

What are you believing God for that will require you to change or transition? And are you willing to be changed in the process? It is believed that the plagues against Egypt occurred over about 40 days. The Bible specifies how long some of the plagues lasted. For others, the Bible does not specify the length of time. Sometimes the Bible specifies a lapse of time between plagues; sometimes it does not. So, it is possible the total time span may have been a bit longer, but it could not have been very much shorter. So, in approximately 40 days, the Israelites entire lives changed, but it took them 40 years to spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and socially catch up with what the Lord had done and to enter the Promised Land.

What changes has God promised you? What transition is He making in your life that you need to yield to? One of the Israelites’ big mistakes was to try and operate in a new season the same way that had operated in an old one. Change is often uncomfortable and unsettling, but if we are to receive everything God has for us, it is necessary.

Ask God what transitions you need to make to receive what He has for you. What unhealthy friendships do you need to let go? What unproductive habits need to die on the altar? What mindsets need to shift? What skills do you need to learn? What wrong thinking do you need to unlearn?

Some of us may feel that we are waiting on the Lord to manifest His promises in our lives, but what is He waiting on you to do?

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May 15, 2021


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